What is LifeStream Reiki?

Welcome to my sanctuary.

Mary’s lifestream Reiki is dedicated to restoring balance to the physical, emotional, and spiritual body. By combining ancient wisdom with state-of-the-art technology, Mary’s unique approach offers a transformative experience. Through a combination of holistic energy healing techniques and advanced technological devices, recipients are introduced to a new way of achieving balance, both physically and emotionally.
 What is a Lifestream Generator

The life stream generator developed by John Riley is a remarkable technological advancement inspired by the research of Nikola Tesla, George Lakosky, and George Vantassell. This innovative device utilizes radiant energy waves to create a unified field of energy that permeates the body. As a result, the cell voltage of every part of the body increases restoring a sense of balance and well-being. This process also promotes natural detoxification and rejuvenation, allowing the body to regain It’s youthful energy. With the life stream generator, your body will optimize and find its equilibrium, bringing forth a renewed sense of vitality.
Reiki a Japanese term meaning cosmic or universal life force has been practiced since the early 1900s. It involves the transfer of energy through gentle touch. This energy is then directed to areas of the body that experiences stress discomfort or pain. One of the remarkable aspects of Reiki is that it is not tied to any specific belief system, making an accessible to anyone.  It’s benefits extend beyond physical healing and encompass emotional and spiritual, well-being, revitalizing and nurturing, all aspects of life.

Opus Bed

Opus, the immersive sound and vibration system for emotional fitness, can be likened to having a personal home gym for your heart. Utilizing Fibro acoustic technology, opus employs low frequency vibrations that reverberate throughout your entire body, swiftly releasing you from the grip of stress and guiding you into a state of profound relaxation and openness. This immersive experience creates an environment of receptivity, allowing you to deeply connect with yourself and promote emotional well-being.


Emotional Freedom Technique also known as tapping or EFT is a physiological acupressure method that draws from the energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture. This technique has been utilized for over 5000 years to address both physical and emotional issues. Unlike acupuncture, EFT does not involve the use of needles. Instead, it involves gentle tapping with the fingertips on specific meridian points located on the head and chest. While tapping, you focus on your specific problem, whether it be a traumatic event, pain, or other challenges and simultaneously voice positive affirmations. Through this process, EFT has the potential to remove negative emotions, reduce food cravings, alleviate or eliminate pain, and help you establish positive goals.

The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a holistic energy healing technique that focuses on releasing emotional blockages to facilitate the healing of both physical and emotional pain. This transformative method involves identifying and releasing trapped emotions that have been stored in the subconscious mind, sometimes dating back to early childhood experiences. These trapped emotions can manifest, is various issues, including pain, self sabotage, emotional challenges, and disruptions in overall well-being. They may contribute to conditions, such as physical pain, anger, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias or panic attacks. The emotion code offers a simple, yet powerful approach to address these underlying emotional imbalances and promote healing.

5 thoughts on “What is LifeStream Reiki?

  1. I can’ t forget the beautiful session I received from you! A very unique experience! thank you so much, Mary.
    Laura Scalambrin from Italy

  2. I am truly grateful to have met Mary. Her kindness and talents are truly a blessing. Thank you Mary for what you have done for me and my three beautiful daughters!

  3. I hardly know where to start… I had an awesome in-person Reiki session with Mary, but it was a few months ago when I was back home in Indiana that I received a powerful treatment 2000+ miles away and in the Emergency Room at 2:00 in the morning that I was doubly convinced of the “angelic” power of Mary’s Reiki. I was doubled over with abdominal pain and felt I was hemorrhaging. My pain was a 10. While I waited for my name to be called, I texted Mary. She instructed me to find a place to lie down and proceeded to send Reiki to me. I trusted her and received the healing and gradually, over about an hour the pain diminished until it went away. It was not only effective, but she stayed with me through the crisis. My diagnosis was adenoendometrial cancer. A week later I was in surgery, and she stayed energetically connected. I am one of the really fortunate ones with a true healer assisting the doctors. My doctors gave me the good news that they were confident they got all of the cancer. Now, here’s the embarrassing confession. I had been bleeding for years, it was not new. I procrastinated and ignored warnings from other doctors several years before. But at my followup with the surgeon, they congratulated me for getting in so early and listening to my body. Many women do not until the cancer has spread. My case could have turned out with devastating consequences. I told Mary I was praying for a complete healing. The pathology report after surgery staged the cancer at 1-A – which is the earliest stage on the chart. So what I’m saying is, after years of ignoring the clear signs of a serious problem, I had the best possible outcome. Shame on me, but huge gratitude to God and God’s healers who are tuned in to and aligned with this grace and service. I consider myself open-minded, but reserved and a little skeptical. I do have faith in the Universe and that everyone receives gifts to serve others. Some, like Mary, are jewels. Her steady presence and mastery of her gift helped me. I’ll vouch for her anytime.

  4. I don’t believe in luck. I believe in fate and God’s will. I was able to have one of the most profound moments in my life during my session with Mary. Years of emotions and physical as ailments, emerged to the surface and were purged from my inner energy. I felt awakened and light in body, mind and spirit. My words could never explain the energy that was received but I would like to say “thank you Mary!”.

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